Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Just ask us... we'll tell you how good we are!!

JPJ Audio has been in business since 1970, so we know what people who work in live entertain ment really want: the best possible sound at the best possible price. JPJ delivers this, everytime, and why? Because we’re dedicated to what we do, and we’re good at it.


Anonymous said...

I hear you guys are good at abandoning your crew in their time of need and darkest hour to make a man homeless, jobless, and with no where to go!!

Anonymous said...

I used them for a show is OZ and will never do it again... I had one very unhappy client.

Anonymous said...

Lead by the biggest cock of the lot, Eric's Lap Dog

Anonymous said...

I have no choice but to work with them on occasion.
I much prefer the boys out of Melbourne, the old Johnston crew. Sydney guys suck.