Thursday, October 27, 2011

Jock Bain

A recent post:
"Jock Bain was the prime loss of the merger for those who know the real story. RIP Jock." Anonymous from L.A. USA


Anonymous said...

If it wasn't for JANDS and JAS abandoning him and Bruce evicting him from his rented property I dare say he would have coped with the on-going issues he had.

Anonymous said...

Jock is sadly missed in the industry. He was fodder in the merger and in the end things got too hard for him.
It is an inditement on the industry when someone with his knowledge and talent is cutloose because he had personal issues. Eric and Bruce, and Larry should hang their heads in shame the way he was treated. He was not the first to be tossed aside and he was not the last.
RIP Jock I think of you alot and wished I could have helped....

Anonymous said...
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