Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Next to come... Bruce exits

Now that the Johnston Audio name is to be no longer used, expect to see Bruce Johnston cash out of the JPJ Audio Pty Ltd entity.
I suspect he wil have a " do not compete" clause in his contract!

From the Newsletter....

Company Name
It has been agreed that from July 1st the company will trade as JPJ Audio Pty Ltd. This will include stencilling on roadcases, building signage, telephone greetings (see below). etc.

Norwest Productions
Recently, Norwest has become increasingly petty and damaging, with regards to their approach to the business, and JPJ in general. As a result, JPJ has no option but to cease all business dealings with Norwest, effective immeadiately.

Human Resources
Sarah Pearson
Sarah Pearson has resigned from her position within the Melbourne office. Sarah has been working with Bruce for many years and was a valuable employee. Sarah’s final day with the company is Thursday 23rd July. We wish Sarah all the best in her future endeavours.

Telephone Greeting.
From 1st July, please use ‘JPJ Audio’ as the company name when answering incoming calls.

The latest post (by Anonymous)

As someone who has worked for JPS in recent years, I am interested by the continuing perception that Jands has some kind of attitude problem. I believe this used to be the case back in the 'good ol' days' when the the drugs were flowing as fast as the gear was being trucked around the country. However since selling off the lighting department they downsized quite substantially. The fulltime staff is a shadow of it's former self and the attitude of being the all powerful super production warehouse had to be adjusted.
They say that a company's attitude comes from the top down and anyone who has worked there can soon tell you that Eric takes no prisoners. But an attitude has to be sustained by the rest of the staff as well. After spending some time within the company, what I learnt is that in the last 10 years there's been quite a large staff turnover. The JPS 'oldschool' is more or less on it's last legs and the 'newschool' is slowly making it's mark. If you've worked on a JPS gig recently you'll probably notice that the crewing is usually made up of one or two older guys with countless decades of experience a the top, a bunch of 25-30 something contractors and some younger trainees. So out of a crew of 8, maybe 2 will have come from the 'good ol' days' while the rest will either be unaffiliated contractors or trainees who are learning on the job.
On that note, what other production hire company in Australia has such a large trainee program? Sure you can be cynical and say that they only have the program so they have a endless supply of cheap crew. But at the same time I would love to know to career success rate of those going through a JPS traineeship vs those paying a fortune to attend Mr Grafton's college or JMC. They took on 11 trainees in Sydney last year and rumour has it they will be starting a similar program at Johnstons in Melbourne. These kids aren't just learning on the job but also get proper classroom teaching from some of the best practicing engineers in the country and they're being paid to do it.
Anyway, I hope it doesn't sound like I'm too pro-JPS. I promise you I am not someone from the office trying to make excuses for the company. I'm just an outsider who's made my own observations over the years.